Henderson Island is an isolated atoll located in eastern South Pacific Ocean. This British land is one of the last islands uninhabited. We could imagine that this place is not impacted by human presence. But it would be wrong to assume. Actually, 38 million pieces of plastic waste have been found by scientists. What an oxymoron that one of the most isolated land is the most touched by pollution.

Jennifer Lavers, a scientist at the University of Tasmania, stayed on the isle during 3 months in order to study the impact of human waste over Pacific Ocean. This waste is commonly known as a danger for biodiversity (animals). She found an important amount of plastic waste on that island.

Did the UK’s Government react to solve this major issue?

Just after this discovery or we could also say the confirmation that the amount of plastic waste is not sustainable for the planet. But how is it possible to sanction those consequences?

The opposition is putting pressure on the Government in the aim to reinforce the sanctions towards plastic waste. Nothing has been done or voted yet, but a solution may have been found. The government is considering putting in place a “plastic bottle tax”. This represents an extra of 20 pennies per bottle.

But is this solution fair ? Instead of simply prohibit plastic bottles and work on a more sustainable solution, the government wants the consumers to pay more to get those ephemeral products. Moreover, this measure is not really deterrent for consumers.

This measure can be discussed, but United Kingdom is very far from other European countries (including Scotland) and the reaction is an emergency to face this problem and limit the abundant production of waste.